Swagger Steelbanger Bipod
The new Steelbanger Basic bipod from Swagger Bipods ($149.99) offers the fastest target acquisition of any bipod on the market. Both legs can be flexed in any direction to accommodate uneven surfaces or adjust for rifle cant without having to shorten or lengthen either leg. Designed as a competitive shooting bipod, it is even more useful for shooting at moving targets, like a pack of coyotes or hogs, or a trotting buck. All the shooter has to do is swing the rifle or move one of the spring loaded legs manually and it flex to follow the target, with no loss of rifle support or stability. It functions equally well from prone, benchrest or car/truck hood shooting positions. It mounts directly to a Picatinny forend rail, or to a sling swivel stud with an optional adapter. Weight is 15 oz. Contact Swagger Bipods; Tel.: (308) 675-3017; Web: www.swaggerbipods.com