DeSantis’ new Dual Angle Hunter Hybrid ($44.99) is the latest iteration of their popular original Hunter from the 1970s. Built from 1060 Denier Senior ballistic nylon it features a smooth pack cloth lining with a core of protective closed cell foam. The upper section is made from premium saddle leather, and is ambidextrous without any adjustments for hand preference. The Hunter Hybrid is available in four sizes that will fit most 4- and 6-inch revolvers, including the Colt Python 4″; Ruger GP100 4″; Smith & Wesson L Frame 4”; Colt Python, Trooper and Cobra 6”; Ruger GP100 and Security-6 6″; Smith & Wesson L Frame, 586 and 686 6”; Colt Anaconda 4”; Dan Wesson 44VH 4″; RUGER Redhawk 4″; Smith & Wesson N Frame 4” and Classic Hunter; Smith & Wesson N Frame 6” and 6-1/2”; Dan Wesson 41VH and 44VH 6″; Colt Anaconda 6” and Smith & Wesson Classic Hunter 6-1/2”. Contact DeSantis Gunhide; Tel.: (800) GUNHIDE; Web: