Warbird Intrepid BT EarPro
Given the amount of time we spend with eye and ear protection on, we’ve come to several conclusions about what separates the good from the bad models out there. For starters, a comfortable headband that seals earcups over our ears without inducing crushing pressure on the side of our head is nice to have, especially for long-term comfort. Second, gel ear cups are awesome in warm weather and for comfortable, long-term wear. Third, electronic ear protection is a must — full stop. Fourth, Bluetooth connectivity. Look, taking calls without having to remove your ear protection just makes sense. It’s also pretty nice to turn up the tunes when doing repetitive drills and building skills that don’t require conscious thought.
The new On Target 2024 Editors’ Choice Award-winning Warbird Intrepid BT EarPro ($149) checks the boxes outlined above. The earcups are low profile and offer a rechargeable battery by way of a USB charging port, which is now getting added to our list of must-haves after experiencing the Interpid’s ease of use and long-lasting battery. Sound quality is very good, perhaps much better than earpro costing many times their $150 price tag. We’ve been using the Intrepid BT’s for over six months straight now with zero malfunctions or noticeable wear. We’re sold. See them at your dealer, or for more information, contact Warbird; Tel.: (231) 922-5000; Web: www.warbirdpro.com—Chris Mudgett