Otis has introduced eleven new American-made firearms cleaners, lubricants and protectants. To combat rust and corrosion, there is Firearm Protectant for use while hunting or in the field and Long Term Protectant for application at the end of the season in preparation for storage. Two new CLPs—085 CLP and the new biodegradable BIO CLP are all-in-one solutions that clean, lubricate and protect. Otis also offers a Starter Pack which includes Complete Cleaner, Firearm Lubricant and Firearm Protectant, plus an all-purpose
receiver brush. The new cleaners are biodegradable and designed to break down fouling, and include Complete Cleaner, Copper Remover and MSR/AR Cleaner. Firearm Surface Prep takes care of hard-to-reach internals. For protection against friction, Otis adds two new biodegradable formulas: Firearm Grease and Firearm Lubricant. Most are available in bottles or aerosols. Contact Otis Technology, Dept. OT; Tel.: (800) OTISGUN; Web: www.otistec.com