Apex Hellcat Extended Mag Release ($60)
One of the most important handling skills for the concealed carry practitioner is the ability to effectively know and operate your pistol’s manual of arms. As pistols continue to miniaturize, so do their controls.
While Springfield — like many manufacturers — gets a lot right in the development of new pistols, leave it up to the aftermarket to further refine the small details. Apex Tactical is one of those companies that looks at popular pistols and sees subtle changes that can be made that will provide a tremendous performance upgrade.
One such product is Apex’s extended magazine release for Springfield Armory’s Hellcat micro compact carry pistol. This extended-release is a direct replacement of the factory unit and improves performance by making it easier to drop a magazine by extending the length and profile of the release button. The Apex mag release is single-side activated but is reversible for left or right-handed shooters, and it comes complete with a spare magazine release spring. For more information contact Apex Tactical; Tel.: (623) 322-0200; Web: apextactical.com